Sunday, December 13, 2009

How to Get the Desires of Your Heart

How to Get the Desires of Your Heart
“Beloved, BELIEVE that ALL things are possible through Me, God, and it shall be so.” This Christmas season, as we meditate on all the things we would like for Christmas for both ourselves and our families, I encourage you to meditate on Christ. For Jews and Muslims, you can meditate on some of Jesus’ best teachings, like walking on water, with faith or like healing the sick by the power of the Holy Spirit.

As we focus on God’s power, not our own power or human logic, to accomplish the desires of our hearts, we will begin to rely on Him more and access or tap into Divine Power. Many people go around saying ‘I can’t’ a lot of times; I challenge you to start believing that ‘you can’ indeed do all things through Christ who will strengthen us. We are God’s children, we have every right to tap into our Father’s power and use His energy to accomplish our desires and goals. Start believing in Him more; stop using your own logic, your own strength, which is limited. Won’t you like to tap into unlimited power? Believe and know that He is Lord. Tap into limitless power of the Most High.

I encourage you to pray out loud more, speaking and asking God for all things, out loud, that you desire. Pray on them often, seven times a day if you really believe and absolutely need your desire to manifest. Try praying to God and asking Him for all that you desire with childlike faith, knowing that your good Father will totally make a way for you. Now if you been bad, and you know that you don’t have a good relationship with the Father, the SON or the Holy Spirit, I will advise you to repent and say you’re sorry first of your wrongdoing. Ask for forgiveness, say out loud what you’re sorry for, speak like you’re speaking to a Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent Being, you cannot fool Him, He knows you, so come clean, with a pure heart. Then negotiate for the desires of your heart. Like a good father, God will give you those desires that mean you and your family good.

You may have to wait for the seeds of your desires to grow so learn to be patient. Working on yourself or your home, focusing on building up yourself while waiting for your desires to manifest, will keep you busy as you wait. Get ready, prepare for the successes, the manifestation of your desires while waiting for them to ripen. You will reap if you sow good seeds and water them daily through prayer (talking to God). You have to give people, sowing seeds means giving, try helping someone not as fortunate as yourself, even though you might have very little, let some of it go to build up someone else. If you have a lot, make someone’s day by sharing with them, take them out to a meal at a fancy restaurant or give them $100 just to brighten their day or their children’s day. Send money or give money to a struggling church or a struggling non-profit, where the founder is really trying to make a difference. So often the rich give only to the rich, who get richer, and the poor remain poor or get poorer. If you’re rich and reading this, break that cycle, give to the poorer people, not just the rich in your circle. Less pompous more ‘real’ needed. It’s great to give to HUGE charities that don’t really need the money, but consider giving, time or money, making a difference to a struggling charity or individual in a low income community whose mission and success can affect many.

To get ready for success in all areas of your lives, you will need the following: Faith, hope, love and a business bank account. You will also need to clean up your mind, body and spirit as well as your home for all the good that is coming into your life. Pull up the weeds of envy and self-doubt, replace with confidence and self-love; complete the tasks that you need to complete, to make ready for your blessings. Take action; stop sitting down and thinking of how you may fail if you try and how you fell on your face or butt last time you tried. Get up, dust yourself off, put your best foot forward and get ready to win! May God bless You richly this holiday season.

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